Fuel milk production and immunity
The AHV Booster Products promote the animal’s metabolism in the liver and rumen, and provides sustained or fast additional energy.
The body allocates and reallocates energy to where it is most needed (i.e., prioritizing it to maintain or start the most critical processes, which can be a struggle with energy allocation due to (production) predisposition of the animal).
This also means, that if energy allocation is moved to secondary/reactive systems like the immune system, or is simply missing, other processes and therewith (milk) production and/or growth, are compromised as a result.
Key benefits of AHV Booster

Promotes the animal’s liver and rumen metabolism
Stimulates appetite and increases feed efficiency
More milk, improved production and fewer health issues
How to use the AHV Booster
AHV Booster Tablet
AHV Booster Powder
Please note: Dry cows benefit from highly available fast energy. Consider using 100 grams of Booster powder as top dressing, twice daily.
Please note: Recently calved cows benefit from a boost of energy and water replenishment after calving. Provide Booster Powder as a after calving drink to be drunk voluntarily (1kg/20L of lukewarm water).
Proactive: For optimal results and herd success
AHV Booster is part of every AHV program and can be used for cows with an increase risk for health issues (active) or to support during health issues (reactive).
Click on a program for more information
What farmers say about the AHV Booster products
We found that it’s helping with conception rates and reducing the amount of subclinical and clinical milk fever in the first couple of days of calving. We couldn’t recommend it enough here, it’s working for us daily and we’re very happy with the progress.”
Get in touch!
Would you like to be visited by an advisor to discuss the health challenges on your farm together? Our AHV Specialist will be happy to visit you to jointly assess the health of your cows and come up with appropriate cow-specific advice.
EN – Get in touch
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