Improving uterine health and increasing milk production with AHV products
Cows that are struggling with uterine issues are at risk of being less active and therefore having a reduced dry matter intake. Limited dry matter intake in its turn affects the energy levels. So, reduced dry matter intake leads to energy loss and can thus have strong impact of fertility parameters such as insemination rate, heat detection, and time between calvings. It also affects milk production, animal health and additional costs. AHV Metri Tablet, in combination with AHV Aspi Tablet, improves uterine hygiene, stimulates placental release and supports animal welfare. Research performed by AHV’s Technical Specialists shows the results of using these products.
In a trial on a US dairy farm, in which 367 dairy cows participated, the results of the AHV Metri and Aspi Tablet were examined by measuring increased milk production, decrease in uterine health issues (concerning uterine hygiene and placental release), and improved fertility through application of the two AHV products directly after calving.
All cows were split into two groups; a AHV group, consisting of 158 cows and a control group consisting of 209 cows. The two groups were split based on ancestry, depending on whether the cow was sired by a Holstein or non-Holstein and whether the animal was pregnant through sexed Holstein semen (HO) or by semen from beef cattle (XB).
Trial results
The main observations during this trial showed that for both the HO calves and the XB calves there was a reduction in the number of strong uterine issues in the AHV group. As you can see in figure 1. Of the control group, which was not given AHV products, 5.19% of dairy cows in the second lactation and 5.77% of cows in the third or higher lactation showed strong uterine health issues. On the other hand, of the cows that were given AHV’s products, only respectively 3,23% and 2,41% showed strong uterine health issues.
For the XB calves, of the cows in the control group 14.29% of dairy cows in the second lactation and 21.05% of cows in the third or higher lactation showed strong uterine health issues. The cows of the AHV group showed a strong decrease in the percentage of cows suffering from uterine health issues, namely 6.06% and 8.70% respectively.
Additionally, a slight increase in daily milk yield was found, as the yield went up with 1.0 kilogram in the AHV groups.
Optimal support after calving with Metri, StartLac and Aspi
The aforementioned improvement in uterine health is not only important for the short term, but also for the results throughout the lactation. For optimal results, our StartLac Tablet (or StartLac Paste) should also be put into the mix. This product reduces the risk of milk fever and subclinical hypocalcemia after calving, while also ensuring sufficient nutrient intake. Therefore, it is recommended to provide AHV Metri Tablet, StartLac and Aspi Tablet to all your dairy cows immediately after calving.
Find out more about the products mentioned in this article below or fill in the contact form to get into contact with one of our AHV Farm Advisors.
Our proactive advice
1x AHV Booster Tablet
1x AHV StartLac Paste of Tablet
(repeat tablet after 12- 24 hours)
1x AHV Aspi Tablet
1x AHV Metri Tablet
1x AHV Booster Tablet
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