Lottery winners have been announced
AHV is celebrates its 10th anniversary and we celebrated this with a lottery. Every customer who placed an order between October 16, 2023 and January 31, 2024 automatically participated in the lottery with one ticket. If a customer bought a Udder Health protocol or 3 x Calf Booster powder for weaning , they received one extra ticket per purchase.
Our founders Gertjan Streefland and Jan de Rooy have drawn the winners. The dropdown menu below allows you to view all the winners.
Congratulations to all the winners, enjoy your prizes. Your AHV Territory Manager will contact you for more details within two weeks. Finally, we would like to thank everyone who participated in the lottery!
List with all winners (dropdown)
Big prizes
Prize | (Company) Name | Country |
Excursion to AHV HQ / Netherlands | GAEC De Keryvon | France |
SCHÄFFER HOFLADER 2630 | Kruck GbR | Germany |
Milk Taxi | De Maargies Hoeve | Netherlands |
1 year free use of AHV Longevity Herd Health Plan (50 cows) | D & A sayers | UK |
1 year free use of AHV Longevity Herd Health Plan (50 cows) | BERETTA FAMILY DAIRY | USA |
1 year free use of AHV Udder Herd Health Plan (50 cows) | Maatschap J.W. en P. Arendz en J. van Dijk | Netherlands |
1 year free use of AHV Udder Herd Health Plan (50 cows) | GAEC DES MARETTES | France |
1 year free use of AHV Udder Herd Health Plan (50 cows) | Dornumer Küstenmilch GbR | Germany |
1 year free use of AHV Transition & Fertility Herd Health Plan (50 cows) | Società Agricola Foglia Daniele e Giuseppe s.s. | Italy |
1 year free use of AHV Transition & Fertility Herd Health Plan (50 cows) | Aleksander Hrovatin | Slovenia |
1 year free use of AHV Transition & Fertility Herd Health Plan (50 cows) | Agropecuaria San Francisco LTDA | Chile |
1 year free use of AHV Transition & Fertility Herd Health Plan (50 cows) | Rakaia Dairies 4 | New Zealand |
Drench pump with AHV Booster Powder (26x)
(Company) Name | Country |
A.C.M. Vendrig en C.A.M. Vendrig de Wit | The Netherlands |
Firma N. T. J. de Jong | The Netherlands |
Rooryck lieven | Belgium |
Olive Farm Babcary Ltd | United Kingdom |
Andy McGovern | Ireland |
Rook farm dairy | Ireland |
Gaec Rataux | France |
Trehen Pierre-Yves | France |
Gaec de la Rimondiere | France |
Eilers Grabstede GbR | Germany |
Iselersheimer Milch GbR | Germany |
Johannes T.M Schouten 52964 | Denmark |
Soc. Agr. Pizzocchero F.lli S.S. | Italy |
Soc. Agr. Muflon S.S. | Italy |
M.F. Rosa Dairy | United States |
Whitby Dairy | United States |
Hoard’s Dairyman Farm | United States |
Evergreen Farms | United States |
Mickelsen Farms LLC | United States |
Ivanics Imre | Hungary |
Dunatáj Mg Kft | Hungary |
Zinka Deželak | Slovenia |
Aleksander Hrovatin | Slovenia |
Agricola Ancali Limitada | Chile |
Gunther Scheel | Chile |
Mormilk Farm Limited | New Zealand |
Wheelbarrow (28x)
(Company) Name | Country |
V.O.F. van den Acker | The Netherlands |
H. van Vuren | The Netherlands |
Mts J. de Jongh, G.J. de Jongh-van Haaften en G.J. de Jongh | The Netherlands |
V.O.F. L.P. en G. Bogaards | The Netherlands |
Mts. Stemerdink | The Netherlands |
Erik van Dael | Belgium |
Vercammen – Van Otten CommVLO | Belgium |
A R & E R Jones (FF) | United Kingdom |
A J & C M GIBBS | United Kingdom |
JD & BF Broadley & Sons | United Kingdom |
OCF Farm Ltd | Ireland |
Coolanullar Farm Ltd | Ireland |
Earl Verre de lait | France |
Gaec Du Boulvert | France |
GAEC Outy Dube | France |
Witbaard Douwe | Germany |
Hof Mangels Stüh GbR | Germany |
Johannsen, Marc | Germany |
Reese Warnau GbR | Germany |
MHD Farming | Denmark |
Societa Agricola Bianchi S.S. | Italy |
Parmabio società agricola | Italy |
Casey Allen | United States |
Botka Vincze Irén | Hungary |
Szabó János | Hungary |
Jelen Janez | Slovenia |
5 calf coats (35x)
(Company) Name | Country |
V.O.F. Buitenhuis-Nieuwenhuizen | The Netherlands |
C.A.J.W. en A.J.F.M. Peeters | The Netherlands |
Melkveebedrijf VOF Lenes-Sieperda-Pijlman | The Netherlands |
Francken COMMV | Belgium |
D’hooghe Peter | Belgium |
James McGuckian | United Kingdom |
Michael Gillespie | United Kingdom |
John Killen | United Kingdom |
Lis Agronomics Limited | Ireland |
ohn & William Mulcahy | Ireland |
Hugh & Aodan Brennan | Ireland |
Shane Hughes | Ireland |
Dornumer Küstenmilch GbR | Germany |
Milchhof Karrer, GbR | Germany |
Harms, Gerhard | Germany |
Schütte GbR | Germany |
Ebner, Stefan | Austria |
Societa Agricola Cattaneo Ernesto E Giuseppe S.S. | Italy |
Soc.Agr.Rizzina Di Frigoni S.S. | Italy |
Reliable Feeders LLC | United States |
Tayl-Wind Farm | United States |
Shelton Dairy | United States |
Stein Creek Farms | United States |
Spoelstra Dairy LLC | United States |
Dobos Attila | Hungary |
Kiss Bertalan ev | Hungary |
Agro-Lakt Kft. | Hungary |
Matej Pečovnik | Slovenia |
Vinko Bogovič | Slovenia |
Tomaž Požar | Slovenia |
Mauricio Martinez Werner | Chile |
IH And DJ Bryant | New Zealand |
Heyland Farms Limited | New Zealand |
AHV overall (86x)
(Company) name | Country |
Maatschap Snoekvliet | The Netherlands |
Maatschap L. de Haan en T. de Haan-van Rozen | The Netherlands |
Bouwmans Zeugen | The Netherlands |
Maatschap Huurdeman | The Netherlands |
Maatschap G. en M. Hiemstra en J. Hiemstra-Visser | The Netherlands |
Melkveehouderij Vermeer | The Netherlands |
Maatschap M. en A. Hummel | The Netherlands |
Melkveebedrijf Santing | The Netherlands |
Boerderij ‘t Slob V.O.F. | The Netherlands |
Maatschap J.R. Sloot en M. Sloot-Kuil | The Netherlands |
V.O.F. Longfield Dairy | The Netherlands |
De Waalhoek | The Netherlands |
Melkfeebedriuw De Boer | The Netherlands |
Pieters Lv | Belgium |
van Mol Lv | Belgium |
Warmerdam Steve | Belgium |
E H & R Eccles | United Kingdom |
Keith Gunning | United Kingdom |
Raymond Stewart | United Kingdom |
John McGaffin | United Kingdom |
BAILEY FARMS | United Kingdom |
Sam Baird | United Kingdom |
Drew Forsythe | United Kingdom |
Mike Fitzgerald | Ireland |
John Phelan | Ireland |
Nigel Donaldson | Ireland |
Ballyvirrane dairy farm limited | Ireland |
Stephen Graham | Ireland |
Mike Walsh | Ireland |
Diarmuid Nolan | Ireland |
Derry Cronin | Ireland |
Newmill Farms Ltd | Ireland |
Michael Marley | Ireland |
GAEC De la Grignardais | France |
Gaec Croes du Bachal | France |
GAEC DE L’INAM | France |
Lutze,Matthias | Germany |
Lippacher, Rupert | Germany |
Albrecht, Michael | Germany |
Waldmann, Markus | Germany |
Hillebrand, Henning | Germany |
Albrecht, Stefanie | Germany |
Mehrtens, Sebastian | Germany |
Nielsen, Stefan | Germany |
Hirschvogl, Josef | Germany |
Landwirt Schäfer( | Germany |
Bargmann GbR | Germany |
Steber, Georg | Germany |
Hauser, Christian | Austria |
Kothbauer, Alois und Theresa | Austria |
Edlinger, Georg und Johanna | Austria |
Tage Lausten | Denmark |
Elleagro A/S | Denmark |
Lars Nissen Højgård | Denmark |
Zara Antimo | Italy |
Preti Pier Luigi | Italy |
Marcolin Marzia | Italy |
Gardoni Mauro e Dario | Italy |
Az. Agr. Brevi Fabrizio e Piercarlo s.s | Italy |
Pearson Farm | United States |
Ingleside Dairy Farm Inc | United States |
Painted Rock Dairy | United States |
Triple M Dairy | United States |
Brouwer Dairy | United States |
Two Top Holsteins | United States |
Stein Farms LLC | United States |
Marvo Holsteins | United States |
Victory Jerseys | United States |
Ocheda Dairy | United States |
TP Farms | United States |
Nagy Roland | Hungary |
Aranybulla zrt. | Hungary |
Andrej Hribar | Slovenia |
Jakob Šter | Slovenia |
Carlos Sommer | Chile |
Agricola Playa Venado SpA | Chile |
Canaan Dairy Limited | New Zealand |
Ludlow Hills Limited | New Zealand |
10 years of AHV
Celebrating a decade of AHV International – a decade of working together for optimal animal health. Over the past 10 years, we have worked on research, improving our products and promoting the well-being of animals worldwide.
Our journey has been marked by the dedication of our employees and farmers. Looking ahead, we remain committed to our mission to make the world a better place for people and animals. With your continued support, we will make an even greater impact in the years to come. Thank you for being part of AHV International’s remarkable journey.

Overview of the prizes
The lottery prizes below have been made possible thanks to AHV and cooperation with AHV’s agricultural partners. All prizes have a beneficial impact on the farmer’s animal health, financial situation and/or the health of the farmer.

Schäffer 2630
The Schäffer 2630 is a compact loader that scores highly in agility and driving comfort. The 2630 use Schäffer’s electronically-controlled drive, which gives greater driving comfort, reduced operating costs and improved efficiency over the 2630’s predecessors. Like Schäffer, AHV is doing all they can to make the farmer’s life easier and healthier.
Holm en Laue MilkTaxi 100 l
The MilkTaxi has revolutionised bucket feeding for calves. Whether individually in calf igloos or in groups in the calf barn, the MilkTaxi feeds your calves wherever they are. The MilkTaxi doesn’t just make your work easier. It makes feeding more accurate because you always feed your calves the right amount at the right temperature. We believe this product makes a positive impact on animal health and is therefore an excellent fit with AHV’s vision.

One year free use of proactive AHV approach (50 cows)
We believe the best way to keep your animals healthy is a proactive approach. Our Herd Health Plan is developed to provide your cows with proactive support at key moments in the lactation. This not only improves animal health and longevity, but also productivity and profitability.
A trip to AHV HQ (Netherlands)
We would like to share our unique approach with you as a customer. We would be happy to welcome you to our office to show you not only our lab, but also our production and much more! Besides a visit to AHV HQ, a trip to a beautiful city in the Netherlands will also be arranged. The total trip will take a minimum of 3 days.

Other prizes:
AHV overall
Calf Coats (5 per winner)
Drench pump with AHV Booster Powder
Terms and Conditions of AHV Promotional Lottery (dropdown)
Terms and Conditions of AHV Promotional Lottery
These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions“) apply to the promotional lottery (“Lottery“), organized by AHV International B.V., a limited liability company, duly organised under the laws of the Netherlands, having its address at Schokkerweg 10, 8042 PC Zwolle, the Netherlands (“AHV“). By entering the Lottery you will have a chance to win one of the prizes set out in the table hereunder (each a “Prize”). By participating in the Lottery, you, the participant (“Participant“) expressly declare that you have read these Terms and Conditions and agree to them without reservation.
Prize | Total number available |
AHV overalls | 86 |
1 year free use of AHV products (50 cows)* *up to a maximum financial value of EUR 9,000 or the equivalent in local currency) | 9 |
5 Calf Coats | 35 |
Drench pump with AHV Booster Powder | 26 |
Excursion to AHV HQ / Netherlands† †up to a maximum financial value of 5,000 or the equivalent in local currency) | 1 |
Milk Taxi | 1 |
Wheelbarrow | 28 |
Article 1- Lottery Mechanism
By placing an order for products with AHV or one of its participating affiliates between 16 October 2023 and 31 January 2024, a Participant will receive one lottery ticket in AHV’s administration. By participating AHV’s pro-active calf and/or fertility programs, there will be the opportunity to earn additional lottery tickets. Particular terms and conditions may apply based on where the Participant is located. Participants have a chance to win one Prize per ticket. Selection of the winners will take place no later than noon on 16 February 2024. The winning lottery tickets will be selected from the total number of lottery tickets by AHV, at random. If a Participant is among the winners, they will be contacted on within two weeks from the date of the selection. If a winning Participant does not respond to AHV’s communications within one month, AHV has the right to award the prize to another Participant, who will be selected at random. A Prize is not redeemable in cash or other as other products or services.
Article 2 – Right to change these Terms and Conditions
AHV has the right at any time, without prior notice and without prior written approval, to terminate or annul the Lottery, to change the organization or design of the Lottery and/or to change these Terms and Conditions. If the Terms and Conditions are amended, the amended version will be posted on the website (“Website“) as soon as possible. Whether changes to the Lottery and/or the Terms and Conditions are necessary is at the sole discretion of AHV.
Article 3 – Exclusion from participation
Employees of AHV and anyone directly or indirectly involved in the organization of this Lottery are excluded from participating in the Lottery. AHV has the right at all times to exclude one or more Participants from participation without giving reasons therefor and without prior or subsequent notification.
Article 4 – Personal data
- The personal data provided by the Participant will be used by AHV for the administrative processing of this Lottery. The personal data provided will be treated confidentially and with care at all times and in accordance with AHV’s privacy policy, which can be found here. The Participant hereby expressly consents to the aforementioned processing of personal data.
- The winning Participants grant permission to AHV for the inclusion of their details in AHV’s internal and external communications regarding the Lottery, including promotional posts on social media. Where reasonably possible, AHV will discuss any promotional posts with the winning Participant ahead of time.
Article 5 – Liability
- AHV and its group companies within the meaning of section 2:24b of the Dutch Civil Code will never be obliged to pay damages to Participants in relation to the Lottery and/or the Prizes except if and to the extent that the damage suffered was caused with intent or recklessness on the part of AHV and/or its managerial staff.
- AHV shall not be liable under any condition or circumstance if there is a force majeure, or for any other reason the Lottery or certain modalities of the Lottery need to be changed, interrupted, postponed, stopped or cancelled.
- The limitation of liability described in this article also applies in the event that the Lottery is affected by errors, delays, losses, technical defects of third parties engaged by AHV or for the improper functioning of the equipment, software, data files, registers, networks or other items used by AHV or the third parties it engages in the execution of the Lottery.
Article 6 – Force majeure, unforeseen circumstances
- In the event of force majeure, or should unforeseen circumstances occur, AHV will make a decision on if and/or how to proceed with the Lottery at its sole discretion.
- AHV is authorized to take any decision and actions to ensure the smooth operation of the Lottery.
- Any change(s), interruption, termination, postponement or cancellation of the Lottery as a result of force majeure or unforeseen circumstances will be announced on the Website as soon as possible.
Article 7 – Final provisions
- The Lottery and these Terms and Conditions are governed exclusively by Dutch law.
- Any disputes arising from the Lottery will be submitted exclusively to the competent court in Zwolle, the Netherlands.
- No part of the contents of the Lottery, or any publication related thereto, may be reproduced or published, without the express, prior written consent of AHV.
- The Prizes will be delivered by AHV or an affiliate appointed by it. The general terms and conditions of sale of AHV or its appointed affiliate, as applicable (“T&C”) shall apply to each delivery of AHV Products. Participant acknowledges receipt and acceptance of the T&C.
- The invalidity, illegality or lack of enforceability of any provision of the Terms and Conditions shall not affect the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions. AHV and the Participant undertake in such a case to replace the non-binding provisions with provisions that, given the purpose and scope of this Terms and Conditions, depart as little as possible from the content of the invalid provisions.
- Any question or complaint regarding Lottery must be sent by letter to the post address of AHV, via registered post, within seven calendar days following the conclusion of the Lottery. In no case will complaints be able to be dealt with orally or by telephone. Complaints received after the deadline or not in writing will not be dealt with.
These Terms and Conditions were last updated on 23-10-2023.