The AHV Aspi supports the immune system during recovery periods and promotes the well-being of the animal.
Animals benefit from increased wellbeing through support during recovery from health challenges, which reflects on better farm results.
Compromised animals cannot reach their potential because they cannot allocate their energy optimally which has consequences for feed intake, production or growth.
How to use the AHV Aspi
AHV Aspi Tablet
AHV Aspi Liquid
Please Note: When applying the AHV Quick Tablet, this should at all times be accompanied by at least one application of AHV Aspi.
Feel free to apply AHV Aspi in case you want to boost the animal’s wellbeing in general.
To combine with:
AHV Aspi is part of several AHV Health programs and their products to support Udder Health, Uterine Health, Claw, Skin & Hygiene and Calf rearing. AHV’s specialists will work with you to customize a protocol that fits your needs.
What farmers say about the AHV Aspi
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