Key benefits Udder Health Program

Increased milk yield
Limit severe cases by cleansing the udder
No bulk tank failures due to zero withdrawal
Reduced need for antibiotics because animals stay healthier
Reduced culling for udder health reasons
Keeps the udder clean before biofilm can build up and cause reoccurring issues
What farmers say
Proactive: For optimal results and herd success

1x AHV Extra Bolus

1x AHV Aspi Bolus

1x AHV Booster Bolus

1x AHV Extra Bolus

1x AHV Aspi Bolus
(Re)active AHV products for Udder Health
These products are for cows at high risk of udder health issues (active) or to support during udder health issues (reactive).
Active – For cows at high risk of udder health issues
Reactive – Support during udder health issues
Get in touch!
Would you like to be visited by an advisor to discuss the health challenges on your farm together? Our AHV Farm Advisor will be happy to visit you to jointly assess the health of your cows and come up with appropriate cow-specific advice.
US – Get in touch
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