Clean udders result in less health challenges and more milk
Biofilm formation is considered a selective advantage for bacteria causing udder health challenges, facilitating bacterial persistence in the udder. Recently, research has shown the ability of several bacteria to form biofilm in relation with recurrent udder health challenges (Gomez et al., 2016; Wallis et al., 2018; Pedersen et al., 2021). Leading to increased resistance to traditional methods and the animals immune defense system. AHV tackles the challenge at the core by preventing and eradicating biofilm in the udder. Our products clean and prepare the udder to ensure a successful lactation in current and subsequent lactations with a lower chance of udder health challenges.
Biofilms are widely defined as a cluster of cells enclosed in a self-produced matrix. Bacteria growing in a biofilm become more tolerant to the animal’s immune system and 100–1000 times less susceptible for traditional methods (Stewart and Costerton 2001; Donlan, 2000). This makes udder health challenges very difficult to overcome. As a result, biofilm formation in the udder is leading to recurrent udder health problems (Vasudevan et al. 2003). This is concerning, as many products fail to address the problem at its core, which is biofilm.
Bacteria wait for the right moment to attack
The method of detecting udder health challenges is often based on somatic cell count. However, this can also pose a potential risk of spreading the disease, as cows with low SCC can be a potential reservoir for bacteria. The bacteria are currently hidden in the biofilm and are therefore not causing a rise in SCC. As a result, bacteria survive. If conditions are favorable (e.g. low immunity, calving, transition, heat, drying off) for the bacteria they get out of the biofilm in massive numbers at once, leading to udder health challenges (Cucarella et al. 2004). Biofilms are a survival mechanism of microorganisms and contribute to bacterial persistence on the farm.
Tackling challenges at the core
Nowadays, it is accepted that biofilm production is an important mechanism of pathogenic bacteria causing udder health issues. However, the mode of action of many products do not focus on biofilm prevention or eradication. The products of AHV stand out from existing products by targeting the biofilm. AHV conducts a lot of scientific work in its own laboratory on biofilm. The insights we gain from research are used to further improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our products. The Udder Health Program consists of four levels of support for keeping the udder clean in order to reduce losses in the dairy industry and to ensure milk safety and quality.
A proactive approach is better
AHV offers an Udder Health Program with products and solutions that contain the patent pending AHV QSA Technology. The blend of bioactive components is developed to facilitate the immune system and to support improvement of the health status of the udder and quality of the milk.
The Udder Health program consists of four levels: UDR-C, UDR-L, UDR-P, UDR-R. In category UDR-C, we focus on helping to prevent biofilm formation, stimulate appetite and promote sustained release facilitation of the immune system. In categories UDR-L/P/R we focus on helping to prevent and eradication of biofilm, stimulate appetite and promote rapid release facilitation of the immune system. A cow in the UDR-L/P/R category showed one or more events based on data records in the current lactation.
Our proactive approach
For cows in the UDR-C category we advise the AHV Extra Tablet and optionally Aspi Tablet and Booster Tablet in case of impacted comfort and / or energy support.Proactively applying AHV Extra Tablet allows for maintaining production of high quality milk and prevents biofilm forming in the udder that could cause recurrent challenges. For cows in the UDR-L category we advise the AHV Extra Tablet optionally combined with AHV Aspi Tablet and / or AHV Booster Tablet. For cows in the UDR-R and UDR-P category we advise the combination of AHV Extra Tablet, AHV Quick Tablet and AHV Aspi Liquid and optionally combined with the AHV Booster Tablet for energy support. The advice is always given by our farm advisor in consultation.
Field trial: Less Udder Health challenges and more milk
We conducted an Udder Health field trial in the Southeast of the United States comparing conventional protocols using antimicrobials with AHV protocola after positive California Mastitis Test (CMT). In the AHV group n=228 cows that tested CMT+ were given a combination of AHV Extra Tablet, AHV Quick Tablet and AHV Aspi Liquid (Q+E+A).
Total | ≤ 7 DIM | ≤ 14 DIM | ≤ 21 DIM | ≤ 28 DIM | |
Lact = 1 | 704 | 0.4% | 2.8% | 7.5% | 11.2% |
Lact = 2 | 423 | 0.0% | 1.2% | 4.0% | 5.2% |
Lact = 3 | 770 | 0.0% | 1.3% | 4.4% | 7.1% |
Traditional Product | 16% recurrent positive CMTs in the same lactation up to 150 days |
DIM = Days in milk
Total | ≤ 7 DIM | ≤ 14 DIM | ≤ 21 DIM | ≤ 28 DIM | |
Lact = 1 | 92 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.1% |
Lact = 2 | 46 | 0.0% | 2.2% | 0.0% | 0.0% |
Lact = 3 | 90 | 0.0% | 1.1% | 3.3% | 4.4% |
AHV Q+E+A | 4% recurrent positive CMTs in the same lactation up to 150 days |
In the control group, 16% of the cows showed a clinical mastitis case within 30 days after the positive CMT. The AHV group showed better results, only 4% of the cows showed clinical mastitis case within 30 days after the positive CMT. Clinical Mastitis leads to big costs for the dairy and reduction on Milk yield for the rest of the lactation. In addition differently from antimicrobials, there is no withdrawal period for milk after using AHV products. With a difference of 12%, the products of AHV make substantially more milk eligible for delivery to the factory leading to significant improved financial benefits.
The role of biofilm
Another risk of not successfully addressing udder health challenges in a timely manner is biofilm formation. An udder with biofilm produces less milk. This is caused by the space occupied by the biofilm and reduced capacity when the udder has been showing irregularities for a long time. A healthy, cleaned udder will produce more milk per cow and health challenges decrease in the following period.
Understanding the role of biofilms in udder health challenges is crucial to determine the best strategies in order to reduce losses in the dairy industry and to ensure milk safety and quality. Our animal health concept is built on the AHV Quorum Sensing Antagonist (QSA) Technology. We focus on applying quorum sensing (QS) science in innovative solutions to support and optimize animal health through biofilm eradication and inhibition of QS between bacteria, inhibiting biofilm formation.
Gomes, F., Saavedra, M. J., & Henriques, M. (2016). Bovine mastitis disease/pathogenicity: evidence of the potential role of microbial biofilms. FEMS Pathogens and Disease, 74(3), ftw006.
Wallis, J. K., Krömker, V., & Paduch, J. H. (2018). Biofilm formation and adhesion to bovine udder epithelium of potentially probiotic lactic acid bacteria. AIMS microbiology, 4(2), 209.
Pedersen, R. R., Krömker, V., Bjarnsholt, T., Dahl-Pedersen, K., Buhl, R., & Jørgensen, E. (2021). Biofilm research in bovine mastitis. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 449.
Stewart, P. S., & Costerton, J. W. (2001). Antibiotic resistance of bacteria in biofilms. The lancet, 358(9276), 135-138.
Donlan, R. M. (2000). Role of biofilms in antimicrobial resistance. ASAIO journal, 46(6), S47-S52.
Cucarella, C., Tormo, M. A., Ubeda, C., Trotonda, M. P., Monzón, M., Peris, C., … & Penadés, J. R. (2004). Role of biofilm-associated protein bap in the pathogenesis of bovine Staphylococcus aureus. Infection and immunity, 72(4), 2177-2185.
Proactive udder health support
Below we show the protocol we recommend for optimal udder health. Clicking on the picture will show more information about the product. However, we always recommend using the products in a program for optimal results.
Extra Bolus
Aspi Bolus
Quick Bolus
Booster Bolus
Get in touch!
Would you like to be visited by an advisor to discuss the health challenges on your farm together? Our AHV Farm Advisor will be happy to visit you to jointly assess the health of your cows and come up with appropriate cow-specific advice.
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